Choice of test editing language between Java or Visual Basic. NET: Test script customization is mandatory in order to perform anything but the most basic tests. Java或者VisualBasic.NET之间测试编辑语言的选择:测试脚本定制是强制性的,以执行大多数的基本测试。
Mandatory property management must be combined with good service in order to survive a long time. 强制性物业管理必须结合良好的服务才能生存了很长时间。
Customizing could be considered mandatory in order to implement R/ 3 and is usually performed by the functional team. 定制可以认为是实施R/3项目所必需的任务,通常是由功能团队执行的。
For maximum engine power, a rich fuel mixture is mandatory in order for the combustion process to consume all the oxygen in the air entering the combustion chamber. 在发动机最大功率的工况下,燃烧过程中浓的可燃混合气会将燃烧室中的所有空气消耗完。
Electronic Data Interchange for Administration, Commerce and Transport ( EDIFACT) defines which data segments are mandatory or optional, and the number and order of elements. 定义了数据的哪些节是必须的或者是可选的,数据节的数量和数据元素的顺序。
The predetermined mandatory order, organization or position of symbols in a computer instruction, data or word, data transmission message, etc. 对计算机的指令、据或字以及数据传输所预先确定的且必须遵循的各种符号的次序、构或位置。
When a town begins to blossom into a major settlement, constructing a City Hall is an almost mandatory move to ensure that law and order have an adequate presence. 当城邑规模进一步扩大,建造市政大厅即被提上议事日程,以便更好维护城邑法律与秩序。
We also made tradeDate mandatory on the filter ( every search filter should have some mandatory properties in order to use database indexes). 我们还让tradeDate成为过滤器的必要属性(为了使用数据库索引,每个搜索过滤器都应该有必要属性)。
Although the jurisdiction of the ICC has a universal and mandatory feature, it is designed and operated under a complementarity principle, which is one of the cornerstones of the Rome Statute, thus becoming an extension of and supplement to the liberal international order. 国际刑事法院的管辖权制度虽然具有一定的普遍性和强制力,但它是在补充性原则的基础上设计和运作的,是自由主义国际秩序的一种延伸或补充。
Research on Perfecting the System of Maritime Mandatory Order 完善海事强制令制度的思考
By the software, we reinforce the management of addresses, and make it mandatory to bind a user IP address and a NIC physical address in order to prevent collision of IP address. 该系统加强了对用户IP地址、网卡地址的管理,强制每个用户IP地址与网卡地址一一对应,从而防止IP地址冲突。
The voluntary disclosure of business information supplements original mandatory disclosure of business information in order to increase market validity. The voluntary disclosure of business information opposes the commercialized accounting information, and the former is more feasible than the later. 自愿性信息披露是在原有强制性信息披露的基础上为了增加市场有效性而进行补充披露,它与会计信息商品化相对,且比会计信息商品化更具可行性。
Though this is approved by legislature and judicial practices that legal acts should be void for violating the mandatory provisions or public order and social customs. 法律行为因违反法律强行性规定或违反公序良俗原则而无效,此乃各国立法及司法实践皆认可的。
On the Limited Condition for Issuance of a Maritime Mandatory Order 海事强制令的限制适用条件
For recent years, China government has always been seeking efficient mandatory policy tools, in order to promote renewable energy development rapidly and sustainable. 我国政府近些年来一直积极探索以强制性手段保障可再生能源发展的有效机制。
The peculiar function and feature that institution property has for being institution embody in mandatory, order, validity and defect etc. this paper discusses institution justice from the property of institution to form and realization. 制度特性是制度所具有的独特功能与特征,体现在强制性、有序性、有效性和缺陷性等方面,本文从制度的特性方面探讨制度正义形成与实现。
The main body of mandatory system changes is the country achieved by the government order and the law. 强制性制度变迁的主体是国家(兵团),是由政府命令和法律实现的。
It provides legitimacy as a subject of legal action can not violate the provisions of mandatory law and public order and good value, otherwise the act is invalid. 这里规定的正当性,就是指法律行为的标的不能违反强制法律规定及公序良俗,否则其行为无效。
With the concept of a mandatory order by the Service to moderate changes, and many acts have been substantial non-mandatory use of contract administration as a flexible, proactive administration model, is also against this background to develop. 随着政府观念由强制命令向温和服务的转变,许多非强制性行为得到大量运用,行政合同作为一种灵活、主动的行政管理模式,也在此背景下得以发展。
Compulsive sampling should apply to the legal procedures, the main distinction for criminal suspects, defendants, third party mandatory sampling, in order to better implement proportion principle. 强制采样应适用的法律程序,主要区分对犯罪嫌疑人、被告人和第三人的强制采样,以便更好地贯彻比例原则。
On the basis of Principle of Party Autonomy, the author advocates for the feasibility of application by incorporation of Liquidated Damages, Penalty and Deposit clauses into International Commercial Contracts subject to the non-violation of the Mandatory Norms and Public Order of Lex Forum. 在意思自治原则的基础上,本文对国际商事合同中的违约金、罚金和定金条款的有效性进行探讨,主张这些条款在不违背法院地的公共秩序和强行性规范的条件下应予适用。
Subordinated Debt means the agreement between the parties or the mandatory provisions of law, the settlement of certain or all of the order in other claims after the claims of ordinary. 次级债是指根据法律的强制规定或者当事人的约定,其清偿顺序排在其他特定债权或者全部的普通债权之后的债权。
The act itself is not mandatory for the implementation of the guarantee, but in a sense these acts of normative and legal means of a similar nature, are brought about by the regulation and control of the social order similar to the legal order. 行为本身是没有强制力作为实施保证的,但从某种意义上说这些行为的规范性又具有类似于法律手段的性质,于是调控社会秩序所带来的结果也就类似于法律秩序。
The administrative detention, as an important component of mandatory administrative measures, is a specific compulsion which subject of law enforcement take according to law in order to reach a certain administrative purposes and protect administration carried out smoothly. 行政扣押是行政强制措施的重要组成部分,是执法主体为达到一定的行政目的,保障行政管理顺利进行,依法采取的一种具体强制手段。
Compared to the traditional means of mandatory administration, the administrative guidance stresses that the administrative body should use a non-mandatory administrative guidance to guide the administrative counterpart to take or not take certain actions in order to achieve established goals. 与传统的强制性行政管理手段相比较,行政指导强调行政主体通过采用具有非强制性的行政指导方式,引导行政相对人采取或不采取某种行为,从而实现所制定的政策目标。
Correlation among the villagers with the mandatory social power and social change in the induced forces changing the power structure created the village and village order changing. 村民之间的社会关联随着国家强制性力量和社会诱致性力量的变化而不断变化,产生了村庄权力格局和村庄秩序不断变化。
Mandatory defense system, which comes out in order to protect the rights of the accused to defense, belongs to the system of criminal defense and developed to a certain historical stage of the development of the criminal defense. 强制辩护制度属于辩护制度的一种,是辩护制度发展到一定历史阶段为了保障被追诉人的辩护权所产生的一种辩护制度。
The investigating organizations act as prosecution authorities, which hold the rich public resources and many mandatory powers, but there are phenomena that are damage to the order of law and the lawful rights of citizens caused by undue execution during the process of investigation. 侦查机关作为追诉机关,掌握着丰富的公共资源和众多强制性权力,但在搜查的过程中,却往往存在不当执行而对法秩序造成破坏、对公民基本权利造成不合理侵害的现象。
Secondly, criminal remedy, it means that the congress formulates and implements the system of mandatory arrest, mandatory prosecution system and other related means of relief measures in order to protect the victims of domestic violence. 其次,在刑事救济方面,主要通过制定并实施强制逮捕制度、强制起诉制度等相关救济措施的方式实现对家庭暴力受害人的保护。
In a word, the author has selected some common types of mandatory in legal practice on the basis of boundary of mandatory regulations to make some analysis, in order to contribute some reference for reduce difficulties of abstract judgment. 由此,本文按强制性规定的事项范围标准选取司法实践中常见的一些强制性类型进行分类研究,以期能为减轻抽象判断的难度提供一点参考。